Alive: Briefly Back

Hey y’all –

Long time no write. It feels like it has been a while. Probably because it has been. I thought I would sit down weekly and write about life, current happenings, how I was doing living on my own, etc. But, alas. College had other plans.

Let me tell ya… junior year (part 1) has been busy, stressful, and definitely full of tears. I’m glad to say that I have successfully made it out alive! Until round two starts, anyways. Ha! I’m super excited that I survived and maintained my 4.0 GPA. When you transfer to a new school, this is a big deal.

In all seriousness, I hope your semester is going well. Whether it’s a semester of college, high-school, or just life in general. I hope it’s treating you well and that you’re finding peace, comfort and joy. For me, this has definitely been a semester of challenges and faith testers. But, I made it out alive, stronger because of it, and I know that YOU can too.

“Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance.” – James 1:2-3 (NIV)

I’m hoping to get back to posting here and there, because I find it therapeutic and truly enjoy it, but I cannot make any promises. Life gets hectic and busy, and as time goes on, it becomes more difficult to post regularly.

Thanks for reading!

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